Thursday, December 4, 2008



For all you big fans of the good old days and the dream of a whole nation of red-blooded conservatives I ask you to consider this. There is a reason that our country has two parties and for all their flaws, we must have this balance, as the alternative can indeed be horrific. Truly, we must caution what we ask for. Yes, I can hear the grumblings and the here here’s but, a simple history lesson will make short work of my case against our own radical fascist conservatives. Germany was devastated and humiliated post WWI as the Treaty of Versailles deprived Germany of various territories, demilitarized the Rhineland and imposed other economically damaging sanctions. The stage was set for WWII almost immediately as the German people would sell their souls to regain their national pride. A brilliant orator rose quickly through the ranks to emerge within a few short years as the Great Depression of the 1930’s increased the suffering in Deutschland. His name was Adolf Hitler.

Germany’s savior did not become a citizen until February 1932, he was ¼ Jewish, high school drop out, failed artist, meth head, and suffered from an abusive father as a child. Hitler spoke the words that humiliated, hungry, and unemployed Germans longed to hear. Promise of a blissful Third Reich, 100% employment, all male workforces, females would serve only as homemakers, and the world would look on in envy. Vanity can certainly blind those who believe that everyone needs to be more like themselves. Hitler’s message, perfectly timed as it attacked the Jews, communism, social democrats, free thinkers, liberals, and capitalists. A failed coup on November 8, 1923 outside a beer hall resulted in Hitler’s arrest for high treason. This later turned out to be a blessing in disguise as the orator’s speeches, allowed to run long during the trial and Adolf’s popularity grew exponentially. He also learned how to manipulate the legal system and released from jail later that same year. One more little note to take heed here, as Germany’s constitution abandoned, to allow the Führer to assume totalitarian control.
The Nazi’s had a powerful draw because of the masterful propaganda campaign that surrounded the party. A cocktail of strong nationalism, religiousness, and fascism led good people down a hellish road of death and destruction the world had ever seen.

Bottom line;
I guess the moral of the story is vanity can lead us to ruin. Self-righteous conservatives are so busy trying to make everyone like themselves they haven’t thought their plan through. I know some of you are probably saying that nothing like that could happen in this country but I ask you to reconsider. What if preachers and leaders around this country spoke out identifying the source of the financial ruin of this country is due to the free riding Hispanic illegal immigrants, liberals, free thinkers, social democrats, and capitalist. It is an easy case to make as these hard working people have come to the country and unintentionally sacked our healthcare, welfare, social security systems. They have taken tens of thousands of jobs away from our own, manipulate our legal system, and have not planned to stop their exodus into the Promised Land. The godless liberals and free thinkers are destroying our way of life, and the capitalist are self-serving themselves to the overflowing trough otherwise known as the stock market and federal bailouts.

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