Saturday, December 27, 2008

I have always felt ashamed of the radical European Christians during the age of the crusades. Many have heard of the crusades but few know of the death and destruction that lay in their wake. Mohammed composed the Koran as he witnessed the radicals pouring in from foreign lands. Recently I discovered the fact that there were radical warriors long before the Euro-God Warriors, he went by the name of Moses and his Hebrew Warriors. Abandoned by his mother, placed in a basket and allowed to float down the Nile River because of the Pharaoh’s decree to kill all the first born males of the Hebrews. Ironically, the child Moses was discovered by a Royal Egyptian and raised as an Egyptian. Having access to a significant abundance of the advanced culture Moses excelled in learning Religion, Architecture, Warfare, Geography, Astrology, Metallurgy, and his most significant contribution Monotheism. As an adult, probably being groomed to be a high-level official, Moses learns of his identity and all hell breaks loose.

Ex 2:11 One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people.
Ex 2:12 Glancing this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.

I am straining to be unbiased, but find it impossible to ignore the obvious fact that Moses is not of sound mind. He is living in the comfort of Egyptian Pharaoh’s palace, wanders out amongs the slaves, looks left then right, and destroys an overseer and buries him in the sand. Yeah no one is going to notice the disappearance of an overseer or that mound of sand over by the camp. Our dear aggressive Moses soon discovers that his people have found out about his deed and they have exposed him. Enraged the Pharaoh seeks to kill Moses, but our crafty Hebrew is long gone.

Ex 2:16 Now a priest of Midian had seven daughters, and they came to draw water and fill the troughs to water their father’s flock.
Ex 2:17 Some shepherds came along and drove them away, but Moses got up and came to their rescue and watered their flock.
Ex 2:18 When the girls returned to Reuel their father, he asked them, “Why have you returned so early today?”
Ex 2:19 They answered, “An Egyptian rescued us from the shepherds. He even drew water for us and watered the flock.”
Ex 2:20 “And where is he?” he asked his daughters. “Why did you leave him? Invite him to have something to eat.”
Ex 2:21 Moses agreed to stay with the man, who gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses in marriage.
Ex 2:22 Zipporah gave birth to a son, and Moses named him Gershom, saying, “I have become an alien in a foreign land.”

The radical Moses comes to a well where some sheepherders are bullying the seven daughter of a priest. Moses defeats the disadvantaged shepherds and rewarded by the priest giving him a wife. When Moses’s son arrives he states that he has become an alien in a foreign land. Now he hasn’t talked to God yet but it sounds to me that my man has a master plan cooking up. .

Ex 3:3 So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.”
Ex 3:4 When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called s to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.”
Ex 3:5 “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”
Ex 3:6 Then he said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.
Ex 3:7 The LORD said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.
Ex 3:8 So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey —the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites.

Well what do you know old Moses comes upon a burning bush that does not burn? I have tried to put an analogy to this interpretation but I keep coming up with nil. Moses is walking about in the desert and stumbles upon a bush that talks to him. After repeating his name several times he commands Moses to remove his shoes. Not only is the bush a flame but the ground around it was holy. How could this be? “Hello I am God of your father, Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham,” the voice boomed. Moses immediately hides his face because he doesn’t wish to look upon the lord. Now certainly 99% of us would have been long gone after the bush speaking, but Moses pushes on unafraid. God says that he has heard his people’s cries and is concerned about their suffering. Then why does not the omnipotent force strike down the mean old Pharaoh and deliver them to a good and spacious land, (yeah right). Now the milk and honey part sounds great, but what about the populace that is already in place. Oh let us wipe them off the face of the map!

We all know of the crafty Moses and his tricks performed for the Pharaoh, which in turn leads to the great exodus. Moses out foxes the Pharaoh and his men in the desert and crosses a swamp at low tide under cover of darkness. Then once in the desert he takes the longest route possible to Canaan and makes camp at Mount Sinai

Ex 19:17 Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain.
Ex 19:18 Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the LORD descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, the whole mountain trembled violently,
Ex 19:19 and the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder. Then Moses spoke and the voice of God answered him.
Ex 19:20 The LORD descended to the top of Mount Sinai and called Moses to the top of the mountain. So Moses went up
Ex 19:21 and the LORD said to him, “Go down and warn the people so they do not force their way through to see the LORD and many of them perish.
Ex 19:22 Even the priests, who approach the LORD, must consecrate themselves, or the LORD will break out against them.”
Ex 19:23 Moses said to the LORD, “The people cannot come up Mount Sinai, because you yourself warned us, ‘Put limits around the mountain and set it apart as holy.’
Ex 19:24 The LORD replied, “Go down and bring Aaron up with you. But the priests and the people must not force their way through to come up to the LORD, or he will break out against them.”
Ex 19:25 So Moses went down to the people and told them.

This event is by far the most significant and original piece of religious literature. It separates the other religions, even though they have some of the same laws, but they were not handed down from God personally. Taken literally it is a terrifying account as smoke encompasses the mountain, the mountain shook, and trumpets became louder and louder. Now my skepticism begins to creep in where is Joshua during this, could he be the trickster? Then no one can come up the mountain except Aaron, to act as bodyguard not allowing anyone to see what is going on. In my mind, I can just see Moses chiseling away at the stone tablets. Of course Moses can’t turn his back one minute and the wild Hebrews have already built a golden calf idol. He gets pissed and breaks the only thing God has ever touched and goes into a rampage..

Ex 17:9 Moses said to Joshua, “Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.”
Ex 17:10 So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill.
Ex 17:11 As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.
Ex 17:12 When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.
Ex 17:13 So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.
Ex 17:14 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that Joshua hears it, because I will completely blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven.”
Ex 17:15 Moses built an altar and called it The LORD is my Banner

Moses did not just take his people out into the desert to starve or die but become hardened and ready to make war. Remember there are other people living in Canaan, and are enjoying the milk and honey. He has failed in the religious movement so far and he now is ready to put his military to the test against the Amalekites. Now pay attention to the strange detail of as long as Moses has his hands held high the Israelites are winning, as the arms fall to the side from fatigue the Amalekites win. How long did Moses let the opposing team win before he resumed his pose? Aaron and Hur sat Moses on a rock and held his arms up until the sunset. Psychological warfare has begun my friends and here is the proof.

Moses continues to invigorate his army with the promise of God is backing the Israelites, and that no one could oppose them. He dies and leaves Joshua in command and he too proves to be a military genius. Training in the mountains, mastering the first commandos and shock troops the Israelites have Canaan in a panic and for good reason. When Joshua takes a town no lives are spared, men, women, children, and livestock were slaughtered. Terrorism was born in the name of religion and the flood of blood still flows today. It disturbs me to know that many believers probably have never heard this story or gave it any thought telling themselves that it was God’s will.

Bottom line:
We cannot keep our perspective here as long as we are looking from inside the bubble. Only when we push the veil aside and peer beyond the world of childlike faith can we really see the truth. Osama Bin Laden trained his terrorist organization in the remote accesses of the mountain in Afghanistan. He is a master of commando tactics, as well as shock troops and does it in the name of Islam. To us it seems insane why someone would infiltrate a peaceful religion and exploit young men into becoming martyrs for one single purpose, to rid the world of infidels. Moses only wanted Canaan, Euro-Christians only wanted the Holy land, and now the experiment has grown exponentially and the radical Muslims want the world! How could this be some master plan? There is not one shred of logic to the riddle and nor will there ever be some rationale to justify all the bloodshed of the past. If we are to survive as a species we are going to have to put down the one book and pick up some new books.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


If you do not subscribe to Darwin or evolution then this article will be of no interest to you. However, if you do believe then here is a great theory that deserves some discussion. I have often marveled at the beauty of the animals great and small in our world, Siberian tigers, snow owls, macaws, horses, and deer to name only a few. But have you ever considered our species? Now before you blurt out some ridiculous remark take a moment to analyze what I am saying. In nature, selective processes have been on going since the beginning of time. Tedious and slow changes developing over millions of years give us the great contrasts we see in our world today. In our case I believe we have dropped the ball! Think for a moment about how your parents chose each other. Did they consider the outcome of dad’s feet and mom’s bottom? I sincerely doubted this was the case and would like to suggest another significant variable into the mix, whiskey. How much has sour mash contributed to the poor selection of certain breeds of humans?

If you have ever been to a party full of young adults drinking heavily you can grasp my concept easily. We have all heard the saying, “the girls get better looking at closing time” or “after a six pack.” As I am sure, the opposite sex has admitted to the same folly. Waking up beside a repulsive mate illuminated by the morning light is not an uncommon phenomenon and has horrific consequences. Becoming pregnant by a ugly mate, with no admirable qualities is surely Darwin’s unseen variable at play here, or is it? I would love to see some research on this ditty.

Our early ancestors definitely had to make some hard decisions, or should I say the mostly the females. Males could score and move on without any interruption is his ability to hunt and gather food. Females had to choose wisely, as she would be unable to obtain food later in the phases of pregnancy and the few following months after the child was born. Clearly, this is the reason women are physically more attractive than men are. This is when I believe we made our departure from our cousins. But something happened during mans discovery of agriculture and the domestication process needed to create civilization.

Civilization brought with a natural hierarchy masters and slaves. The masters had of course a bit more selection in their mates with the motivation of obtaining more wealth and social status. Now yes the masters could select the most beautiful mate, but they were the few compared to the slaves. Slaves were limited to their opportunity to mate and had to select what was available to them. Not to say that all slaves were ugly, but on ratio, I am confident they were not the cream of the crop. This pattern has continued up until the modern day though the classes are more diverse and divided in to manly levels of masters and slaves.

Incest, the original sin is prevalent throughout history. Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Europe’s Royal Elite attempted to keep the bloodlines pure a “mini me phenomenon” that had horrific consequences of birth defects. Incest also performed by the slaves and lesser peoples especially in isolated environments. Polygamy was an unknown strategy to overcome some of the detrimental effects of genetic pathologies, but as time passes in the bands the genes are duplicated and the pathologies return.

Bottom line;

We are all selfish, nasty monkeys with no real comprehension of natural selection. Our domestication has removed our innate ability to choose mates for their attributes and lead to random fornications with not so remarkable results. Our fear of the dark forces us to gather, a warm body is pleasant and sex is great! We are creatures whom seek companionship and at times can be desperate for it. Though we clearly still continue to demonstrate poor choice of mates it seems to me that whiskey has played its part as well. Think of all the illegitimate children of highly placed officials partaking in one-night stands. How many relationships were started while they were under the influence of whiskey?

John R Hill


I recently have had some very significant events that have pushed me deeper into the abyss. Day after day, I see great wrongs being committed, innocence punished, and the weak exploited. How could this be, I ask myself. Religion, I am told is a place of sanctuary when the world around you has slipped into madness. Is this true, could I have been so foolish as to have overlooked this incredible assistive device? Certainly not, I have pondered the mysteries for answers and been forced to forfeit my subscription to the Hebrew God of Abraham. Blaspheme you might say, but I say logical rationale. Below I will continue my twisted journey seeking shelter from the rhetoric of my peers.

How can so many people be wrong? Religion is an issue that will drive brothers to fight to the death to prove their God is stronger. Wars and rumors of war are rhetoric of all men and are not specific to revelations in the Christian Bible. Man, with his innate aggressive behaviors have achieved dominion over his environment through is ability to unlock his imagination and realize ingenuity. Not because of divine intervention, if this were the case a grizzly bear would pull a plow. Maybe religion is a means to achieve dominion over other men.

The Hebrews surely have learned some hard lessons from their horrific past and man look at them now. Moses, sure put the kybosh on the Pharaoh, with the ten plagues and killing his first-born son. I guess what amazes me the most is that how the Jews went from rags to riches and rags to riches again. It really is not that hard if you follow the money trail, and yes, this is another the Jewish banker conspiracy plot. Religion is a great way to amass wealth! I believe Jesus knocked over the collection table as he witnessed poor farmers handing over tides that could have put food on their tables. It was the same Jews who decided to have Jesus crucified and used as an example to all. Which brings me to a point to ponder; did Jesus come for all men or just the Jews?

Genesis clearly tells of the first humans Adam and Eve. Nevertheless, the story gets a little murky as the realization of other races of men comes into play. For example if the Holy Bible is correct, we are all Hebrew and no need for Paul to allow conversion of the Gentiles. Logic and religion are not good bedfellows. If Jesus was the Messenger (messiah) then clearly no one was listening. As more and more bloodshed continued to saturate the ground even to this day in his name, I sit in awe of this tragedy. Moses came, followed by Jesus and finally Mohamed. Three strikes your out! Man has an incredible knack for his boundless imagination. His ability to explain phenomenon without the slightest regard for evidence, it is just so! I am one of the many who require a little more than faith to sell out lock stock and barrel. Meaning if you are religious, you are 100% resolute not 60-70%. I subscribe to the all of none theory when it comes to this subject and this has been a constant reminder of why I remain skeptical.

The distance between the Hebrew God of Abraham and me continues to grow and to my peers my punishment will be the complete separation from God. In a way, I have always been separated from God as well as others in this brutal world. Millions upon countless millions have suffered fates no words could ever describe. Including the atrocities the Jewish Bankers unleashed upon their own kind during the Holocaust of WWII. No one wanted to believe such accusations, but if one desired to conceal a plot and come up with a foolproof way to allow your race to dominate the Banking world with no questions asked, playing the victim has been a success. As many of you may know the word holocaust actually means burnt sacrifice! A thinning of the herd to attain global domination is not a new concept and unfortunately will ultimately be used again in the very near future.

Bottom line;

I work in healthcare and see the affliction of horrible pathologies, motor vehicle accidents, burns, etc. and I constantly ask myself why do good people have to suffer. If you have ever watched a married couple of 50+ years sit in a day room and one has no idea who the stranger across from them really is, then you have no idea the pain in which I have described here. Millions of starving people from all over the globe are dying while brimming silo’s are allowed to spoiled for the sake of stabilizing the price of grain. Radical Muslims have infiltrated the mosque of good people in order to kill the infidel, as radical Christians scream the same battle cry, while the Elite Jews (not the majority!) sit in awe as their master plan plays out. Would these bank cartels have so much control if we were allowed to remove our social behavior training wheels? Some would say that in nature, the weak will be exploited by the strong and I would have to agree. Are we so indoctrinated in the belief that war is always the end that justifies the means? Can man overcome his innate bestiality and find peace in this world. Religion offers no answers only hope of a omnipotent deity that will right the wrongs. While science demonstrates promise in decoding the mysteries of our mind and body as well as the universe, we are attempting to coexist. Religion will only be proven false as time will tell, unfortunately we may not have enough time to realize our folly.

Friday, December 19, 2008


Sometime in the late fall semester of 2003 at school an event occurred that must not go unrecorded. It happened in English 111. The paper we were about to write was on contrast. The comparison of careers, where to live, and to have a cat or dog were appropriate. However there was a special student, with red hair and a lack of interests that stood apart in the class. Afterwards while I attempted to study in the library these words took hold leaving me in tears and all alone laughing aloud.
This remark is absolutely kicking the shit out of my side. Mrs. Hard-on (Herndon) kicks it up a notch inflicting major damage on my fellow student’s intellect. She offered him no option, but to crumble up like an old beer can in a garbage disposal. The orangutan found life frigid and harsh, as her wicked rhetoric blasted him into space. Cry not, for the split second demolition crushed him before his weak mind had a chance to analyze the information. This abuse was originally intended to put into perspective the proper response to her question. Simplicity and creativity took hold of the orangutan revealing his inner child. “Come, come and see,” she implemented without saying the words and then inquired, “ are you planning to become a ninja turtle soon?“ As the class convulsed and reveled in the disturbing discovery. A reality made itself crystal clear in my mind. How could we be so cruel, in finding a soft spot then gouging it repetitively with glee.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Above is a video I have put together to demonstrated the contrast within men as creatures who can create great images of beauty and simultaneously be this cruel.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Training Wheels

I am what you might call a lost sheep. I held dear to the religious beliefs of my immediate ancestors at first just as child, totally obedient and religious. As time passed, I became more spiritual and found comfort in this position. Now that I have studied science, I am afraid the empirical evidence has swayed me once again from the flock. The flock, an interesting analogy that is given by thousands of ministers as they wield their version of the Bible, has been effective. Many believe that without religion the world would cease to exist as man would decent into oblivion with no morals or ethics. I will dispute this claim as best I can.

First, I would like to recall a familiar moral story about a dog and his prized steak. The dog has acquired a steak from the butcher shop and made a clean get away. Along his route on the way home, he crosses a bridge and out of the corner of his eye, he sees his reflection. He misinterprets the image as another dog with an even larger steak. Unable to fight back his greed he leaps into the stream. This hasty act leads to the loss of the prized steak and leaves the dog cold and hungry. Now everyone knows this story is fictional, but all can see the benefit of reciting it to children to learn the lessons it teaches. Even though we know that, the story is fiction we hold it as dear as if it were true and attempt to incorporate it into our society. This leads me to my next point of religion to create positive social norms.

Steven Pinker introduced me to the concept of the Noble Savage, in his book “The Blank Slate”. It is how some viewed the uncivilized world tribes, composed of peace loving men. His conclusion is that we are by nature, animals with the same selfish drives. Here one can make a good argument for the need of religion to band the people together and learn reciprocity. A deity that gives a moral law is in deed necessary to build a community. This explains the different religions that emerged around the world and how location directly influences the brand you subscribe. Evolution may have not succeeded without religion, but now I believe we are ready for the next phase of growth with science to show us the way.

Enlightenment is a word, thrown around loosely, spawning images of a Merlin-like figure gazing into a large pool of water reflecting the stars from the night sky. This as we all know is how the ancients began there quests, pondering the secrets of the universe. Imagination is our greatest adaptation and has lead to our great success as a species. Before science could explain these extraordinary phenomenons, deities were readily acceptable responsible parties. To shed some light on how the Catholic Church struggled to keep science in its place, finally in the year on October 31, 1992, Pope John Paul II and the Catholic Church state their remorse in how Galileo was treated and finally recognized that the earth orbits the sun. Innocent or guilty is probably a null point for the sake of argument here. I suggest that it is a sign of the times and to me a time of enlightenment.

Bottom line;

Humans are animals that have evolved from the motherland of Africa. Holding food, weapons, and tools man stood erect. Hunting is packs encouraged the first bands and reinforced the use of reciprocal behavior. Hunters are constantly devising ways to improve their skills communication, coordination, and preplanning. Now with the groundwork laid, these bands flourished and with the discovery of agriculture, the human race exploded overnight. Agriculture allowed enough food to allow the domestication of these wild bands. With their basic needs being met men were left to discern the world around them for the first time. Warlords and Kings quickly learned the lesson of a submissive populace in order to maintain control. Religion fell into place, by either naming these leaders as gods themselves or created through a divine union. As these practices passed on, one civilization to the next, religion was imported and improved upon with the lessons learned from the conquered peoples from before. Which leads me to my point; with all the moral stories learned and science, revealing the mysteries behind the veil it may be time to remove the training wheels. Religion served its purpose, but now I fear that if we continue to cling to these beliefs we are doomed to self-fulfilled prophecy of annihilation. The Bible, Koran, and Torah, are a few of our first books of reason, but should they be our last? I should hope not as we are living in a time of exponential growth in technology, and an infinite knowledge base resource sits in living rooms around the world. Never before have had access to so much, and I am not referring to shady sites, but real legitimate research illuminating the world! A time of enlightenment has dawn, where science will become our great book of reason, which may lead us finally to world peace and harmony.

John R. Hill

Thursday, December 11, 2008



Our story picks up as Lot seems to be over his grieving for his wife turned into a pillar of salt. Zoar, the small town that would spare his life is not to his liking and he decides to take his two daughters and move into a cave in the mountains.

Ge 19:30 Lot and his two daughters left Zoarl and settled in the mountains, for he was afraid to stay in Zoar. He and his two daughters lived in a cave.
Ge 19:31 One day the older daughter said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man around here to lie with us, as is the custom all over the earth.
Ge 19:32 Let’s get our father to drink wine and then lie with him and preserve our family line through our father.”

Now I know where the Mormons get their rhetoric in order to have daughters sleeping with the old wise ones. The oldest daughter’s plan to continue the linage seems innocent enough, except for the part about there are no men around here to lie with us. The fool hearty part is the drinking of wine with the intention of intoxicating the father enough to be unaware of his actions, but able to perform.

Ge 19:33 That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and lay with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.

Here again pay attention to the wording, no excuses for translation. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.

Ge 19:34 The next day the older daughter said to the younger, “Last night I lay with my father. Let’s get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and lie with him so we can preserve our family line through our father.”

Again I have trouble with the logic here, as the daughter says, “ Wow you have got to try that.”

Ge 19:35 So they got their father to drink wine that night also, and the younger daughter went and lay with him. Again he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.

All come on now, we all know that sex leaves behind a distinctive scent. Papa got a brand new bag. Lot has to know what that old fishy smell has come from or maybe he did know what his mischievous daughters were up to and just played dumb.

Ge 19:36 So both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father.
Ge 19:37 The older daughter had a son, and she named him Moab ; he is the father of the Moabites of today.
Ge 19:38 The younger daughter also had a son, and she named him Ben-Ammi ;he is the father of the Ammonites of today.

So yes there is a Santa Claus Virginia! Lot’s omnipotent semen successfully impregnated his two daughters and they went on to allow their father to create the Moabites and Ammonites. I wonder why the scribes omitted the questioning Lot should have had when his darling daughters came of pregnant. Unless the moral rationale is that, it is okay to sleep with father when no men are around to lie with and stuff. I guess that little town of Zoar had no strapping men available to sire these hot cave babes. Maybe the real moral here is to beware of daughters bearing wine.

The Holy Bible, New International Version. :Ge 19:30-38



Here is another troubling story from Genesis in regards to how women were seen in the eyes of the Jews of the Old Testament. For those of you who really believe we need religion to teach basic morals I ask you to look for the moral here. Two angels arrive at Sodom in search of 10 righteous people. If the ten are not found the city is to be destroyed. Lot, Abraham’s brother is camped at the gates of the city; he sees the angels and pleads with them to stay with him.

Ge 19:1 The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground.

Now here there is little description of the angels, so how does it that Lot knows their identity. Some would argue he was simply being a Good Samaritan warning strangers of the city’s horrific nightlife. Also, take note that he is a significant landowner, but bows burying his face in the sand as the two strangers approach.

Ge 19:2 “My lords,” he said, “please turn aside to your servant’s house. You can wash your feet and spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning.” “No,” they answered, “we will spend the night in the square.”
Ge 19:3 But he insisted so strongly that they did go with him and entered his house. He prepared a meal for them, baking bread without yeast, and they ate.

I have inferred here that the angels are attractive and dressed in a manner that may have implied they had wealth. As this wealthy landowner, insisted on having them stay the night in his home. This bread without yeast is significant, but I am not educated enough to rationalize why angels need to eat.

Ge 19:4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom —both young and old—surrounded the house.
Ge 19:5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”

Clearly, the situation is deteriorating outside as these mad horny men surround Lot’s humble home. Now I understand cities can be clannish and known for making outsiders the object for violence in order to deter unwanted populace, but clearly, these men want a little something more. In my mind, I can envision mad mobs of men with clubs, torches, and blades, but to see a bunch of intoxicated men calling out for sex is in the least disturbing.

Ge 19:6 Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him
Ge 19:7 and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing.

Lot would clearly make a poor negotiator, as he does a terrible job here. “No my friends do no do this evil thing!” What exactly is the relationship Lot has with these people?

Ge 19:8 Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.”

Now this part gets my blood boiling and should for you all, especially women. Being a father myself, this disturbs me and it would be a cold day in hell before I would give my daughter to a mob of sex maniacs. What makes it worse is Lot is sweetening the deal by informing the men that his two daughters have never known men and that they are more that welcome to do what they will with them! But don’t do anything to these men they have come under the protection of my roof?

Ge 19:9 “Get out of our way,” they replied. And they said, “This fellow came here as an alien, and now he wants to play the judge! We’ll treat you worse than them.” They kept bringing pressure on Lot and moved forward to break down the door.
Ge 19:10 But the men inside reached out and pulled Lot back into the house and shut the door.

The angry mob is not pleased with Lot’s offer and refers to him as an Alien. This opens a lot of questions, but for the sake of time let us stay with two. Has Lot suffered this “getting to know you” welcoming comity himself? Are Lot’s daughters so hideous that the mob considers it an insult?

Ge 19:11 Then they struck the men who were at the door of the house, young and old, with blindness so that they could not find the door.

Now I do not subscribe to miracles, but I would love to know how these strangers blinded a mob of men to the point they were unable to find the door to Lot’s home. There is no mention of a bright light, powder, or magic only the word struck.

Ge 19:12 The two men said to Lot, “Do you have anyone else here—sons-in-law, sons or daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you? Get them out of here,
Ge 19:13 because we are going to destroy this place. The outcry to the LORD against its people is so great that he has sent us to destroy it.”

Here the angels include Lot in God’s plan to destroy the city as it is clear there are no righteous people here. What I do find disturbing is the reference that the angels are going to destroy the city not God. Many believe these men are extraterrestrials, well I guess an angel is not of this earth.

Ge 19:14 So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who were pledged to marry 90 his daughters. He said, “Hurry and get out of this place, because the LORD is about to destroy the city! ” But his sons-in-law thought he was joking.

Now surely the son’s in laws have heard about the two strangers blinding a mob of men and that something serious was about to happen. If they were laughing, it would show that they were not worthy of the two hot babes he had offered them.

Ge 19:15 With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, “Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished. ”
Ge 19:16 When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the LORD was merciful to them.

Here again I wonder how much of a participant Lot was with the lustful men of Sodom. It seems that for him to have lived so close to sin city that he could remain without becoming involved. Maybe this is why he pleads for the angels to take mercy on the city.

Ge 19:17 As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, “Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!”
Ge 19:18 But Lot said to them, “No, my lords, please!
Ge 19:19 Your servant has found favor in your eyes, and you have shown great kindness to me in sparing my life. But I can’t flee to the mountains; this disaster will overtake me, and I’ll die.

Excuse me if I botch this interpretation, but Lot says your servant has found favor in your eyes, meaning that we are to serve the angels and Lord. Now that Lot is a safe distance away from the blinded mob, he relays the message that it is impossible for him to make it to the mountains in time. These details give me grief mainly because the angels and the lord should be quite aware of Lots potential mobility and would not ask him to do something he was unable to accomplish.

Ge 19:20 Look, here is a town near enough to run to, and it is small. Let me flee to it—it is very small, isn’t it? Then my life will be spared.”
Ge 19:21 He said to him, “Very well, I will grant this request too; I will not overthrow the town you speak of.
Ge 19:22 But flee there quickly, because I cannot do anything until you reach it.” (That is why the town was called Zoar. )

Again, time and time when one reads the bible and finds oneself scratching their head. It is not because we lack the knowledge to comprehend only the material itself is simply not logical. Zero hour is upon Lot and his family, as the two angels prepare to let loose the burning sulfur meanwhile Lot is fretting over a place to hide. Then miraculously Lot calls out, “Oh look there is a little town, look how small it is. If I go to the small town, my life will be spared. As the angel drags his toe in the sand and sighs heavily, “Aw all right you can go to the little town, but hurry up man, we have schedule to keep!”

Ge 19:23 By the time Lot reached Zoar, the sun had risen over the land.
Ge 19:24 Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah —from the LORD out of the heavens.
Ge 19:25 Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, including all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land.
Ge 19:26 But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

Many have cited these verses as the equivalent to a nuclear explosion, delivered by extraterrestrials. Burning sulfur is more akin to napalm, as some have theorized that maybe a volcanic eruption may have been the cause. Whatever one believes of the first two conclusions the fate of Lot’s wife should be the most ludicrous or horrific. To become a pillar of salt is truly unscientific and insane. Was she reduced to a block of salt for the sheep to lick? Could Abraham not see his brother’s wife frozen in time as he surveyed the destruction below?

Ge 19:27 Early the next morning Abraham got up and returned to the place where he had stood before the LORD.
Ge 19:28 He looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, toward all the land of the plain, and he saw dense smoke rising from the land, like smoke from a furnace.
Ge 19:29 So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham, and he brought Lot out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived.

The conclusion here is not very satisfactory as we are given only few details of how this extraordinary event took place. Three angels earlier in which one turned out to be the Lord visited Abraham. Abraham challenges the Lord in his decision to destroy the city and haggles a deal that if ten righteous people could be found the Lord would spare the city. Well we soon learn that the whole barrel of apples are tainted and Lot may not be all that clean either. My issue with the morals of the story are profound. When is it okay to annihilate a city, simply because they have succumb to lust. Morale rationale here is plain to see sex is for procreation!
When is just to abandon your daughters to a crowd of sex maniacs! Clearly this work was not intended for me to read, it causes me great concern and reinforces my point. Why write a book that will continuously be disproved because of its flawed logic. Philosophical use here is still null and void if one reads the scripture objectively, as many believe the book is not meant as a literal translation. The only take home lesson here is the one that in order to rule people one must use fear.

The Holy Bible, New International Version. :Ge 19:1

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Word History: It is one of the ironies of history that Aryan, a word nowadays referring to the blond-haired, blue-eyed physical ideal of Nazi Germany, originally referred to a people who looked vastly different. Its history starts with the ancient Indo-Iranians, Indo-European peoples who inhabited parts of what are now Iran, Afghanistan, and India. Their tribal self-designation was a word reconstructed as *arya- or *ārya-. The first of these is the form found in Iranian, as ultimately in the name of Iran itself (from Middle Persian Ērān (šahr), "(Land) of the Iranians," from the genitive plural of Ēr, "Iranian"). The variant *ārya- is found unchanged in Sanskrit, where it referred to the upper crust of ancient Indian society. These words became known to European scholars in the 18th century. The shifting of meaning that eventually led to the present-day sense started in the 1830s, when Friedrich Schlegel, a German scholar who was an important early Indo-Europeanist, came up with a theory that linked the Indo-Iranian words with the German word Ehre, "honor," and older Germanic names containing the element ario-, such as the Swiss warrior Ariovistus who was written about by Julius Caesar. Schlegel theorized that far from being just a designation of the Indo-Iranians, the word *arya- had in fact been what the Indo-Europeans called themselves, meaning something like "the honorable people." (This theory has since been called into question.) Thus "Aryan" came to be synonymous with "Indo-European," and in this sense entered the general scholarly consciousness of the day. Not much later, it was proposed that the original homeland of the Indo-Europeans had been in northern Europe. From this theory, it was but a small leap to think of the Aryans as having had a northern European physiotype. While these theories were playing themselves out, certain anti-Semitic scholars in Germany took to viewing the Jews in Germany as the main non-Aryan people because of their Semitic roots; a distinction thus arose in their minds between Jews and the "true Aryan" Germans, a distinction that later furnished unfortunate fodder for the racial theories of the Nazis.

Cited Resources

American Psychological Association (APA):
aryans. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved December 04, 2008, from website:
Chicago Manual Style (CMS):
aryans. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. (accessed: December 04, 2008).
Modern Language Association (MLA):
"aryans." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 04 Dec. 2008.>.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE):, "aryans," in The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Source location: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. Available: Accessed: December 04, 2008.



For all you big fans of the good old days and the dream of a whole nation of red-blooded conservatives I ask you to consider this. There is a reason that our country has two parties and for all their flaws, we must have this balance, as the alternative can indeed be horrific. Truly, we must caution what we ask for. Yes, I can hear the grumblings and the here here’s but, a simple history lesson will make short work of my case against our own radical fascist conservatives. Germany was devastated and humiliated post WWI as the Treaty of Versailles deprived Germany of various territories, demilitarized the Rhineland and imposed other economically damaging sanctions. The stage was set for WWII almost immediately as the German people would sell their souls to regain their national pride. A brilliant orator rose quickly through the ranks to emerge within a few short years as the Great Depression of the 1930’s increased the suffering in Deutschland. His name was Adolf Hitler.

Germany’s savior did not become a citizen until February 1932, he was ¼ Jewish, high school drop out, failed artist, meth head, and suffered from an abusive father as a child. Hitler spoke the words that humiliated, hungry, and unemployed Germans longed to hear. Promise of a blissful Third Reich, 100% employment, all male workforces, females would serve only as homemakers, and the world would look on in envy. Vanity can certainly blind those who believe that everyone needs to be more like themselves. Hitler’s message, perfectly timed as it attacked the Jews, communism, social democrats, free thinkers, liberals, and capitalists. A failed coup on November 8, 1923 outside a beer hall resulted in Hitler’s arrest for high treason. This later turned out to be a blessing in disguise as the orator’s speeches, allowed to run long during the trial and Adolf’s popularity grew exponentially. He also learned how to manipulate the legal system and released from jail later that same year. One more little note to take heed here, as Germany’s constitution abandoned, to allow the Führer to assume totalitarian control.
The Nazi’s had a powerful draw because of the masterful propaganda campaign that surrounded the party. A cocktail of strong nationalism, religiousness, and fascism led good people down a hellish road of death and destruction the world had ever seen.

Bottom line;
I guess the moral of the story is vanity can lead us to ruin. Self-righteous conservatives are so busy trying to make everyone like themselves they haven’t thought their plan through. I know some of you are probably saying that nothing like that could happen in this country but I ask you to reconsider. What if preachers and leaders around this country spoke out identifying the source of the financial ruin of this country is due to the free riding Hispanic illegal immigrants, liberals, free thinkers, social democrats, and capitalist. It is an easy case to make as these hard working people have come to the country and unintentionally sacked our healthcare, welfare, social security systems. They have taken tens of thousands of jobs away from our own, manipulate our legal system, and have not planned to stop their exodus into the Promised Land. The godless liberals and free thinkers are destroying our way of life, and the capitalist are self-serving themselves to the overflowing trough otherwise known as the stock market and federal bailouts.

Sunday, November 30, 2008



I know that it is hard for some to come to terms with the celebrated great patriarch Abraham's unethical and immoral ways, to demonstrate such insane acts only for financial gain. I was shocked to have never heard of this story, through the many years of Sunday school indoctrination. However, Richard Dawkins drew my attention to the verses, right there in the good book. Here I would like to discuss this incredible tale and prove that in religion we only see what we allow ourselves to see.
Below God has sent Abram (Abraham) to territory outside of Egypt (Negev I believe) during this time a famine came over the land forcing Abraham to go into Egypt.

Ge 12:10 Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to live there for a while because the famine was severe.
Ge 12:11 As he was about to enter Egypt, he said to his wife Sarai, “I know what a beautiful woman you are.
Ge 12:12 When the Egyptians see you, they will say, ‘This is his wife.’ Then they will kill me but will let you live.

Now that the stage is set for welcome speculation, first God instructs Abraham to leave his home and go out into the desert in search of God’s purpose. He found himself in a hostile environment a famine and was forced to enter Egypt. He decides that he will be killed and his wife taken because of her beauty. So he formulates a plan to deceive the Egyptians and claims Sarai (Sarah) to be his sister.

Ge 12:13 Say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well for your sake and my life will be spared because of you.”
Ge 12:14 When Abram came to Egypt, the Egyptians saw that she was a very beautiful woman.
Ge 12:15 And when Pharaoh’s officials saw her, they praised her to Pharaoh, and she was taken into his palace.

The plan is going well and the desert dweller arrives on the scene with a woman so striking that he is taken in to the palace. Sarah must have been a knockout, because anyone who has been camping for and extended time would know that it is hard to remain beautiful under these harsh conditions.

Ge 12:16 He treated Abram well for her sake, and Abram acquired sheep and cattle, male and female donkeys, menservants and maidservants, and camels.
Ge 12:17 But the LORD inflicted serious diseases on Pharaoh and his household because of Abram’s wife Sarai.

Everything is great, but God inflicts serious diseases on Pharaoh or does he. It does not take a rocket scientist to theorize what kind of diseases Sarah has unleashed. Now what puzzles me the most is why the Pharaoh does not have Abraham and Sarah drawn and quartered?

Ge 12:18 So Pharaoh summoned Abram. “What have you done to me?” he said. “Why didn’t you tell me she was your wife?
Ge 12:19 Why did you say, ‘She is my sister,’ so that I took her to be my wife? Now then, here is your wife. Take her and go!”
Ge 12:20 Then Pharaoh gave orders about Abram to his men, and they sent him on his way, with his wife and everything he had.

Besides the venereal disease Pharaoh asked what trick has Abraham played. He claims her as a wife and then curses her and orders Abraham to go. Now this part is a bit to swallow. The Pharaoh does not kill these deceivers, but instead rewards Abraham by making him wealthy. Abraham and his tainted wife were allowed to leave with all their recently acquired possessions. Now maybe I do not understand politics, but it is my understanding that you do not piss off the king, even an Egyptian Pharaoh. I imagine that you are saying that sometimes when the going gets rough we have to hard things to survive. I agree with that logic, but as you will see below Abraham breaks bad with some commando tactics to further his status.

Ge 14:11 The four kings seized all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah and all their food; then they went away.
Ge 14:12 They also carried off Abram’s nephew Lot and his possessions, since he was living in Sodom.

Lot gets caught in the middle of a war zone and is captured, Abraham vows to rescue his brother.

Ge 14:14 When Abram heard that his relative had been taken captive, he called out the 318 trained men born in his household and went in pursuit as far as Dan.
Ge 14:15 During the night Abram divided his men to attack them and he routed them, pursuing them as far as Hobah, north of Damascus.
Ge 14:16 He recovered all the goods and brought back his relative Lot and his possessions, together with the women and the other people.

Rambo has nothing on this Hebrew hero, Abraham is over seventy years of age and with a band of shepherds 318 men he is able to defeat four kings and return with spoils of war, such as Lot and his possessions and women and other people. Also note that Lot was living in Sodom ( a nice little town of brotherly love).

Ge 14:23 that I will accept nothing belonging to you (referring to the king of Sodom), not even a thread or the thong of a sandal, so that you will never be able to say, ‘I made Abram rich.’
Ge 14:24 I will accept nothing but what my men have eaten and the share that belongs to the men who went with me—to Aner, Eshcol and Mamre. Let them have their share.”

Now we see that Abraham has become a bit self-righteous, his Tailiban warriors have ruled the day and he wants to make it clear that the King of Sodom had nothing to do with the victory. However, being a truly frugal Hebrew, he decides that it would be wise to let his men have the food they have already eaten and the share that belongs to the men (how much of a share was this?). Abraham has now become a true con man and god warrior (magi).

Bottom line:

I would like to point out that most everyone you ask will surely tell you that we get our morals from the good book. Clearly, the morals of Abraham’s time are a lot different from today’s standards or is he the mischievous entrepreneur I paint him to be. I stand with others in agreement that we learn morals for the social and cultural norms that surround us in our environment. This begs me to pose the question can we live a moral and ethical life without religion. My answer is yes, we can experience love, companionship, community, and a sense of purpose without religion. I take it upon myself to prove this statement not with words but with my actions. I respect others and try to have a positive affect on their lives without striving for a reward in the clouds, just a simple thank you.

Reach out to your neighbor, loved ones, coworkers, or a complete stranger. Resolve to take comfort in your terrestrial action and it alone that is making the difference.

John R Hill.



One of the most challenging things for us humans to do is to comprehend concepts on a large scale. Many theories about the human minds capacity have been proposed, and I concur that we humans are only capable of comprehending medium sized concepts. For example when we evolved on our humble medium sized planet, our minds needed only to perceive and adapt to our medium sized environment such as the sun, moon, mountains, seas, and clouds in order to survive. There was no need to develop minds that could fathom the abyss of physics. I also admit to my own shortcomings when it comes to rationalizing such enormous concepts as expanding universe, big bang theory, or even what a billion one-dollar bills would look like stacked in three columns. Where are you taking me, you ask. Well, I have attempted to imagine what it would be like to exist for eternity. I did several thought experiments in order to gain some insight to the ludicrous idea that eternity would be a pleasant existence. If the prophets are correct and those chosen to exist in heaven for eternity worshiping the one god, what would it be like for these chosen few? Below I attempt to answer the massive question that is clearly beyond our medium comprehending minds.

I stumbled across this idea during a service in a Baptist church. It was a magnificent place full of warm and loving people. The preacher gave praise to the lord and reminded the congregation that we would all soon be in heaven to worship the lord for eternity hallelujah, hallelujah! Looking across at my father-in-law a curious idea formed in my mind, here is a man who cannot stand in a restaurant line for more than five minutes looking forward to an eternity surrounded by these same patrons. As the idea continued to form, I could easily ask the same of each man and woman in the whole church. Then the question was put to me, could I be happy for eternity? It does not take long to realize the size of this mammoth question and for years following that service I have mulled the concept repeatedly. After reading an incredible book on the life of Albert Einstein, I found a tool of his to be rather helpful, a thought experiment.

Our thought experiment begins with a small room 4 ft. x 4 ft. x 6 ft. with a small window off to our left. To our right hangs a large round clock, the time reads 9:00 am. The air is still and the temperature is comfortable there is little light but no sign of its source. Our heart beat and the gentle sound of the air that exhales from our mouths seems almost deafening in the small space. A glance at the window only reveals blurs of colors and various degrees of light. Drawing our attention back to the clock, we notice that the second hand has stopped on the six-minute mark. Puzzled, we step forward to inspect the timepiece and are unable to discern if it is running. Another glance at the window reveals an incredible amount of motion too rapid to distinguish. Our heart rate quickens as we become slightly disoriented asking ourselves, “What is this madness”. Unaware that we are unaffected by time and the universe around us is growing cold and dying. The light from the window is becoming less sporadic and the light begins to fade. Still, the clock reads 9:00 am and six seconds. A frozen minute hand has yet to move while the universe’s life cycle is at an end of 230 billion years.

Bottom line:

When time is irrelevant and we lose all perspective, what is the sense of being eternal? Religion paints a blissful setting with us gathered around the savior, the father, and all of our love ones, but this is only a beautiful emotion. Critical thinking skills allow us to analyze the problem rationally. Nothing in physics evens hints at any element being eternal. I believe most important of all that there could be no logical or spiritual reason for becoming eternal. I do know that life is precious and we should embrace each moment as well as the ones around us. As you read this you must feel that I am filled with doom and gloom, but I say to you maybe this is as good as it gets. Let us live on earth here in the present, not in heaven.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Islamofascism Theonoma

Islamofacism has become the twenty first century’s Nazi movement. Good-natured people who wish to live in peace and allow others to express their beliefs sit by and allow these new bullies on the block take control. I include a term Islamofascism Theonoma as to mean a malignant cancer of theologies. I am very liberal, and occasionally been accused of being a tree-hugging pacifist, but only by those who do not really know me. I am one mad ass liberal when it comes to these radical fascist exploiting the good nature of their own as well as their enemies. I also realize that religion appeals to those who are poor and faith increases exponentially in times of struggle. Promises of paradise and never having to suffer again is a strong dream for someone who lives in a one room adobe with a dirt floor. I must again reiterate that I am by no means accusing religious people of being ignorant or evil. You have simply been infected with a clever disease (religion) that is resistant to any treatment and is easily passed from one generation to the next. Below I will express my opinion on how we got here and attempt to shed some light on a way out.
First, I want to make it clear that I love my country and the men and women who sacrificed so much in order for me to sit here today and write my mind. Looking back when we first discovered that sweet crude in the Middle East, we were dealing with people who had no real grasp of what it meant. Nomads became millionaire sheiks overnight, entrepreneurs in Europe and USA quickly developed this marvel in order to usher in the industrial age. Unfortunately, we were so busy with building the future we did not realize we were dumping tankers of money into the world of Islam.
We are great at marketing a product and knocking a competitor off their feet to beat them to the patent office, but when it comes to history and understanding other cultures we always seem to drop the ball. We wage wars, but play by the rules! If history teaches us anything this strategy will always fail. When you engage with an enemy, you must route them out and destroy any means of retaliation. In Vietnam, our brave soldiers were fighting with one hand behind their backs, which eventually lead to the communist killing a lot of innocent Vietnamese and Americans. The Afghans used the same tactics against the Russians and we are today facing the same in Iraq. The Carter administration did not fully understand why the Shah of Iran had to use an iron fist to keep the disrupters of progress and Western ideas at bay. Therefore, by not backing the Shah, we allowed Khomeini to reign in and start the Islamofascist movement. Khomeini promised to rid the world of the evil western puppet Shah of the Great Satan, but cleverly left out the part about totalitarian rule. This would include no human rights, no freedom of speech, and living in fear from paranoid mullahs. I fear that by being complacent and playing by the rules, we will fall to this incurable cancer Theonoma.
Solutions are not easy to find and political correctness prevents us from even considering what I about to propose. If we are to wage a war on terror then let us wage it in the manner in which our enemies are playing. Islamofascist are not nomads, but well educated in Theonoma, public speaking, the laws of our government, and are able to come to our country without fear of being killed. Not being a religious man, I still believe there is a war of good and evil at hand. Well, good being those who wish to live in peace and those who wish to control your every thought. These radicals have sold out on the idea of kill everyone, including him or herself and Islam win. In other words sacrificing their children, neighbors, and themselves is well worth the reward of bringing down the Great Satan! They are okay with laying waste to our world even if it takes obliterating every living organism that has been infected by western culture, leaving the residual life in the world to live like cave dwellers. Truly, in this primitive state, converts are easy to find. I say lets Glass over Iran! We can apologize to the world later. Waiting until Mahmoud Ahmadinejad points his shiny new missile at Israel or America will be too late.

Bottom Line;
We will never have peace as long as we encourage these different Theologies, hell bent on killing or converting the other side. A pluralist approach to religion (to each his or her own) only allows the bullies to take advantage of the good and peaceful, while the fence sitters find themselves serving as terrorist or dead. Solving the world’s poverty, replacing AK 47’s with tools and commissions, and encourage critical thinking skills instead of forcing our views down the world’s throat, is a great place to start for world peace. Diversity is important and tolerance of that diversity should always be a top priority. It is important for people to be accepted for their differences, but when the word hate, enters the equation it should not be tolerated and forced into submission. Now that we are infected with the Islamofascism Theonoma we must treat it aggressively with radiation! Let us glass over that dusty impoverished place, later telling the world we are sorry, or we shall look out of our humble abodes, with dirt floors to be subjected to a totalitarian rule and become good Muslims or dead free thinkers.

Long live America the beautiful!

John R Hill

Monday, November 17, 2008

Forbidden Fruit

Forbidden Fruit

Introduction; I have been a spiritual and religious person for most of my life, but the doubts I had as child still bothered me into adulthood. Recently I returned to school, at the age of 39, in order to change careers and found myself enlightened. With my studies of Physiology and Anatomy, not to mention Psychology giving me the tools to rationalize my doubts of the validity of religion my quest began. Let me be the first to say that losing one’s religion is a double-edged sword in spite of the liberation; the downside is the cold dark abyss of reality. So why even bother to write this, because the doubts will not let me be and to see our world threatening to eliminate itself because one branch of the same religion (Judaism) is insane! Any cleric, preacher, pontiff, mullah, or rabbi that calls for its congregation to make war should themselves be drawn and quartered.
Here I have selected 10 verses from the NIV Holy Bible from the book of Genesis. I welcome rational responses to my post, and hope my readers realize that I am not a scholar by no means, just a man seeking answers. Knowing that the book of Genesis came from oral tradition, probably spoken around campfires under the stars as shepherds kept an eye on their flocks, there has to be some inconsistencies. Then the possibility that the words have been lost or misunderstood, in the countless translations making the reader use metaphoric rationales to comprehend the word of God. I will attempt to do this in a respectful manner, but how does one proceed in blaspheme and not cause true believers to hate you. For those of you strong enough in your beliefs I challenge you to entertain my interpretations and conclusions and look forward to calm, intelligent responses.

Ge 2:9 And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Here there is mention of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Now moral stories serve as guidelines to help. My first concern is that why is knowledge of good and evil so bad. If the serpent had not succeeded in persuading eve to taste the forbidden fruit was the plan for Adam and Eve to live in the Garden of Eden for eternity oblivious to anything other than basic living eating, defecating, and companionship. My second concern is why they were forbidden to eat from the tree of life when the punishment was death.

Ge 3:12 The man said, “The woman you put here with me —she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”

Here Adam sells out his companion to God putting the blame on her. If there is a moral here to learn, it seems to me it is this. The devil can easily tempt a woman into deceiving a man. Therefore, women are inherently evil companions not to be trusted. Secondly, why would God allow this verbal serpent into this Eden if he knew what the outcome would be in the first place?

Ge 3:13 Then the LORD God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”

Here again Eve is put on the spot, as God already knows, but continues to question the frightened woman. What fruit was this or is it a metaphorical rationale and the real fruit was Adam’s penis. After that Adam returned the blissful favor and realized that there was more to do than hang around eating food. Clearly, the serpent could pass for a phallic symbol though I doubt it spoke any verbal commands. Functional moral would be that early men interested in procreation in order to populate an area with like minded people would see this type of sexual act as wasteful and detrimental if oral were to become preferred.

Ge 3:22 And the LORD God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”

This is another puzzling use of words as God says that man has become like one of us? Are there more than one and just knowing good and evil can elevate your status that much seems ludicrous? Now that Adam has become like God he must not eat of the tree of life and perish back to the dust in which he came. Metaphorical rationale or not I do not comprehend this concept.

Ge 4:1 Adam 19 lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, “With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man.”

Now that the knowledge of good and evil or sex has set in Adam becomes a father to Cain. Eve has been scorned, set up, and blamed for the fall of man but is quick to give the credit to God for her son.

Ge 4:2 Later she gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil.

Here I find it all a bit much that Cain, who is clearly the stronger of the two sons is a humble farmer. While Abel is living the carefree life of the shepherd, bringing in choice cuts of meat and fat to offered up as sacrifice. Cain has only vegetables’ to offer and seasonal at best cannot compete with the bounty his brother is able to provide. It does not take a rocket scientist to see that the first-born son of any family would enjoy watching their younger sibling out do them on a consistent basis and may retaliate.

Ge 4:8 Now Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let’s go out to the field.” And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.

I believe we all know where this is going as Cain slays his only brother in the middle of a wheat field. What astounds me here is where Adam and Eve were, practicing are good and evil? It is as if the murder had to happen in order to explain the reality of man’s violent innate nature. Functional moral is to learn to except your situation and not to retaliate if your brother is able to provide offerings that are more bountiful.

Ge 4:17 Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch.

Knowing that all men are not Jews and did not descend from Jews here it is easy for me say that the deal is off. How could Cain lay with his wife to bare Enoch while he is also building a city? Do the math, if you get extremely productive how many offspring can you have? Now to do shepherds work 12 sons would be a good number, but building a city would imply that there were others around. Now where could these non-Jews have come from?

Ge 4:25 Adam lay with his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, saying, “God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.”

Maybe this is presented out of context, but it appears clearly after Cain lays with his wife which debunks the theory of Eves many sons and daughters. Clarity is nowhere to be found, as the populace seems to explode exponentially over night. Seth was sent as a replacement for Able, which would indicate he was the only child born before, or at the time, Cain was building a city.

Ge 5:2 He created them w male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them “man. 29 ’”

Here again clarity is nowhere to be found it now sounds as if God created more men and women. I am a die-hard evolutionist and it just makes sense the cells multiplied and became plentiful. Along the way they became two and three cell life forms devising better ways to acquire food and procreate. The race began and multicelled life forms went forth and prospered. Life from the sea made its way to the land. Why is this considered a ridiculous theory when compared to a deity forming a man from clay.

Bottom line;
There is no way that anyone can ever prove the existence of God or that he does not. Science, in my opinion has overwhelming empirical evidence on the evolution of man, but it does not satisfy the bigger questions like what started the big bang? I look forward to your rebuttals.

John R Hill

Reference for Bible verses;
[The Holy Bible, New International Version. Pradis CD-ROM:Genesis ]

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Unknown Thought

In order to make the reader see the perspective of this brief thought let me introduce the setting. I am a caregiver employed at a skilled nursing facility. One day I happened to notice two residents who were suffering from Dementia in the front lobby. If you have worked with residents with this pathology you know how it affects these innocent people. If you do not know about Dementia I challenge you to research, educate, and volunteer some of you time to these forgotten citizens. According to the CDC more than 5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s a form of Dementia.

The Unknown Thought

A forward lunge coupled with shallow breaths, barely audible, but her actions profound. Another sits and observes with the highest admiration for her happenstance partner in crime’s courageous act. No words are spoken, brief glances, osculating jaws, and sagging skin with a burning spirit struggling within. A long moment draws out with no one moving, not a word passes between them, no gestures, only the fleeting alignment of eyes disclosing the dire need they share. A need comprised of a void too great to imagine, and minds too limited to fully manifest the plan, but yet their spirit’s pushes onward. Just as rivers obey gravity and can go from a sleeping lull to a relentless destructive force in a matter of hours, driven on with a pouring rain. The spirit, unlike the feeble body needs no rest only stimulation, a spark to ignite the flame. This spirit needs not to be reminded by a weakening mind, only for the frail cognitive mechanism to allow the spirit to assume control.
Insubstantial legs jut out making demands as the heels of her shoes dig hopelessly against the slick tile floor. Deep bends at the waist as if she was in agony and yet not a sound came from her. The silent partner grinned as the wheels of the worn wheel chair began to creep forward, progress. Yes, progress at last, as if the idea was sprung upon them both anew. Excitement filled a sliver of the void, just as the sky lightens hours before the dawn, hope. Hope sets the spirit a fire and capitalizing on this new found source of energy as the mind immediately turns placid allowing the plan to again be revealed. Triumph! As the sun illuminates the mountain peaks, what was hidden is now a striking beacon, the road that leads home.
Pride swelled within the rekindled spirit as her hand reached for the bar of the glass door. Then it happened. An ear-piercing shriek penetrated the blissful moment stripping away the glorious moment in a mocking manner, the brilliant plan dissolved without either partner noticing. Firm hands, ease in from behind as a wrenching betrayal witnessed only by the silent partner. A kind reassuring voice chimes in redirecting the moment allowing the proposal to mire deeper into oblivion. Quietly the companion watches in horror as the opportunity is lost, not able to hold the thought it is forgotten as the alarm falls silent.
There deep in the recesses of the mind, filled with decades of countless precious memories trapped, remaining irretrievable. Brief flashes of time gone past, faces of love ones and places they grew up spending those many years of a fruitful life. A picture on her wall bares a reflection of a beautiful woman in her twenties. She stands beside a car and a strong man whose times have come and gone. Behind them stands a humble, but sound white house filled with promise and delight that newly weds can only generate. All these treasures lost to time and the affects of aging. Dementia is a cruel pathology the robs us of the things we hold most dear and punishes those around us who are helpless to eradicate its prevalence.


Sweet in the ears of mothers…

All young boys have an innate primeval urge to become a warrior, provider, and hero. Someone to be respected for his actions in the face of death, not blinking as the blade comes down upon him and able to save his family from certain doom. Reminded of this phenomenon of our aspiring god warriors, watching a CNN news story covering HAMMAS terrorist group training in Israel reinforced my belief. Watching the clumsy movements of the new recruits, with their faces hidden by black cloth, and baggy fatigues marching in a swaggering manner, while seasoned guards firing AK 47’s all around in order to desensitize their nervous systems. It is easy to see their ambitious demeanor as they bond, forging themselves into the ideal God Warriors!
A song from the group WAR, “WAR…what is it good for came to mind” but instead WAR, I replaced it with the word RELIGON! Now before you begin to rant on about another cold hearted, Satan loving idiot, think about what I am saying. All of us, no matter what country you are from have been indoctrinated since we were able to speak to sing the praises of a certain deity, usually the one of our ancestors (Grandma and Grandpa). I will be the first to admit that in this respect a connection to our ancestors is vital in order to understand where we come from. It is important to our sense of belonging and a way to identify ourselves, but let us not lose ourselves to vanity. I am guilty of the promise of having offspring that looks like me, thinks like me, and enjoys the things that I hold dear. This is where nature has a hidden hand tweaking our systems for the survival of the species, even if it means taking a radical turn. In short, improving on the chip off the old block mentality replacing it with parts that are more efficient, and thus producing a hybrid, in accordance to Darwinian rules!
Now, to return to my point the innate need to belong, believe, and act as our ancestors did. Warriors, great hunters, and heroes can only become legendary if they are viewed in a certain perspective, on the one hand they are seen positive and on the other seen as negative. Pushing this point forward, consider the HAMMAS God warriors with their suicide bombing mentality. Now one might be tempted to jump on the radical Islam band wagon, but don’t forget those European Crusaders radical Christians, toting blood soaked swords into the middle east, which by the way had a detrimental effect on Mohammed as he composed the Koran. This is a good example of the perspective I mentioned before. European Crusaders did whole heartily believe they were doing gods work by reclaiming the holy land and were supported at home by generous donations to continue the good work. Just as the Crusaders centuries earlier, now groups such as HAMMAS are supported in very much the same way, only their goal is to drive the infidels from their land. Who is right is all in perspective.
This leads me to my point if you were to tell your son to go to war with the infidels for gold, do you think he would go with an extreme resolve. In my mind all conflicts are centered around gold no matter what the propaganda claims. For it is very safe to say that war is an expensive endeavor, a bottomless money pit. No one would partake in such a sacrifice over something as material as gold, but in the name of religion it suddenly becomes more palatable. Humans must surely be vain creatures, blinding themselves to the reality of killing their children over a branch of the same religion in this case! If you step outside the argument and say why would a pagan worshiper of Molech want to slay another pagan worshiper of Zeus? I would imagine your response would be that is silly those religions are outdated and false. My reply to this is when does a religion really become outdated? In returning to our perspective, it should become clear that being on one side you naturally become incurably biased and blinded by the fear of blaspheme into giving into the idea that blood must be shed in the name of God.
Now I imagine most religious people will be in a fevered pitch as they denounce such blaspheme and it only goes to show my point. We are indoctrinated, some even brain washed into repulsing any idea that has not been fed to you from a close family member or pastor. Before we dismiss this idea, reflect on your own knowledge of religion and see how many sound objective sources you credit for acquiring that knowledge. This is not to say that pastors and family members are ignorant or purposely misleading you, as they themselves have been heavily persuaded early in life and are passing on what they strongly feel is their obligation. In all fairness both Islam and Christianity, preach values of peace and forgiveness bringing a close supportive sense of community, in some cases. But I am afraid that these good examples are rapidly giving way to the negative side of religion as the focus shifts from forgiving and community to destroy thy enemy.

Bottom line;
Good intentions pave the way to ruin. Viewing a clip of a family of a suicide bomber declaring his oath to Allah while his mother grieves, along with close family members I asked myself how this could be happening I searched for an answer. Who can break this cycle of endless and senseless martyrdom? How when the people around you are so convinced that God decrees only destruction of the infidels will bring peace. My answer is the sweet promises of paradise for eternity for her and her children. All mothers want what is good and pure for their children. Unfortunately, they are being mislead by radical, self serving men exploiting their religion to attain power.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

No my child there is no Santa Clause....

“No my child there is no Santa Clause”,…the father lamented piercing the delicate bubble he guarded so diligently for all those many years.

This is a situation most fathers’ have or will experience with their children. It is with no pleasure to see a child’s imagination demolished in a single unrelenting debunking of Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, and Bogey Man. However, society demands that we tear down childhood dreams and replace them with the reality of death and taxes. How cruel life can be for those who depend on such a fantasy world existence to make it through their dreary days. No magical mystery tour, elves, fairies, or trolls lying in wait under bridges to demand toll in order to pass as we mature we must come to face the facts. Nevertheless, what age is appropriate to illuminate these wonderfully expanding minds, 11, 12, or 14? I know there has to be some empirical evidence to suggest a proper age and manner in which we strip a child of his pseudo- reality and introduce the one we hold to the mark. A voice deep inside me cries out, “Ah come on we have to grow up sometime, everyone knows that no one can fly the entire globe in 24hrs delivering a variety of specially made toys to children of middle to high class society”. So there we have it my subject of debate, why do we continue to lie to our children only to admit to deceiving them at a later date.
My question is not as simple as it may seem on the surface. True we are deceiving our children but it is to maintain a special environment in which they will grow and be nourished in the understandings of life lessons such as giving. Who would want to see a broken hearted child trembling beside a poorly lit tree with only a bag of fruit to give him/her joy? A bigger question may arise; if we lie to them today will they trust us tomorrow? Children need our love but they also need honesty, and yes in my opinion, a little white lie can be just as harmful as an out and out blasphemous rhetorical one. So what are we to do, punish our children while the mothers and fathers of other children celebrate! Now I believe my question becomes a complicated one. Any time you go from personal choice to social choices and preferences your black and white becomes massive shades of gray. “How dare you, how arrogant can you be as to think that what you decide is good for my children!” I think most would agree that this is exactly the response one would get from making such a proposal, like being honest with your children.
Are you still with me, most Americans would have sensed a dark force beginning to pull them into a state of irrationalism and loss of credibility. We are not good at taking advice from anyone unless they promise wealth, health, weight loss, hair growth, and how to get a stain out of our new carpet. Depressing is it not when you think of how we continue to assume that we are the superior nation and our ways are the best things since sliced bread. Even though it is true that we are innovative capitalist (not always a respectable image) living in a country full of self-righteous people fulfilling their life long ambitions through their own children. And with that in mind are we some how lying to ourselves in some deep mysterious way seeking to recapture some of our lost childhood moments seeking to replace them with brighter, and grander schemes.
Now that I have your attention, what should we consider about other critical issues such as abortion, capital punishment, corporal punishment, alcohol and drug abuse, homosexuality, credibility of government, and finally religion? Again the same voices chime in a discontinuous chorus of threatening resolves, “How dare you arrogant man, how dare your even consider such nonsense!” As you can see there are no easy answers to the multitude of questions that will continued to spin off each other into the infinite number of possible scenarios, as blacks and whites diversify into endless shades of gray. On second thought maybe we can be honest with our children and still encase them in a semi perfect environment in which they can grow and build trust with no let downs during confessions explaining why Bobby down the street didn’t receive any presents this year because his parents were Jehovah’s Witness. (bibbidy, bobbidy, boo! )
Abortion continues to bring out the most radical idiots of our time. Can anyone look at an issue objectively anymore? Crime of passion does not come to mind when someone is decapitated by a crappy explosive set up outside a clinic that so happens does the community a great service. My point being with all the hate crimes we see on the news, babies found in dumpsters, children born addicted to crack cocaine, rape victims pregnancy, and child abuse who are we really serving here, ourselves? A high school History teacher stated a profound statement that has stuck with me through many years and I can still hear his voice today, “There is nothing good about bringing an unwanted child into this world.” Do not allow a kneejerk reflex have you lose the emphatic point he is alluding to. Unwanted can mean many things to many people, but to a child there can be no refuse from rejection. The voices return, “You ignorant ranting lunatic how do you sleep at night.”
Capital punishment is a no brainer to me, but then again I have never been on death row either. Here I feel torn on giving the State or Federal Government the power to put me to death if I am found guilty of a heinous crime, or do they already have that power? No one can clearly appreciate this issue unless they were directly involved with a heinous crime affecting a loved one. And clearly there is a difference between a semi-tractor trailer running over a child in an intersection and a drive by shooting where clearly the punishment seems appropriate for the later only. Another driving point is that we find out that “Joe” has been incarcerated for twenty years and by DNA testing is acquitted. “Yeah, wise ass how about that one!” Definitely anyone born with enough logic to notice the difference between a Summer and Winter can safely reason out that statistically the error of putting to death less than a percent of these miracle cases could not out weigh the overwhelmingly guilty whom have taken innocent lives leaving broken hearts and homes in their wake. Tax dollars that we spend bathing, clothing, educating, counseling, heating and cooling, feeding, provide health care including dental, access to the internet, legal advice, conjugal visits, seeing loved ones, and influence others on perfecting their crimes in order not to get caught, are being wasted. When we could have spent the billions of tax dollars on education, health care for law-abiding citizens, improving impoverished areas giving them an environment in which they have a fighting chance at making something out of themselves, I guess that is exactly what we do not want.
Another critical issue that is a favorite of mine, and is one that is close to my heart because it has directly affected my own child development, Corporal Punishment. Here the voices of ignorance rein supreme, “Nobodies going to lay a hand on my child, not even me.” Sing it from the rooftops friends because in the end what that cute little child has coming to them is nothing in comparison to a paddling. How about 30 years to life in a high security prison because mummy taught me that there are no physical punishments only verbal punishments. And yes ladies and gentlemen if you are wondering spare the rod will ruin the child and that child will become a rotten adult. No one wants to intimidate children, even if it is for their own good. An effective corporal punishment is more about losing face in front of your peers not counting blisters. Yes, I could see the gleam and confusion in my child’s eyes as he wrestled with the concept of “they can not eat me at school, but when I get home I am going to get it”. Whatever action you plan to take consider this advice, never confuse your children with rules and the punishments that accompany them. Big example, when I was growing up it was considered rude to talk to loud at the table, but when I joined other friends homes it was not enforced. What was allowed at my friends house would surely get a dismissal from dinner at least. Bottom line or take home message is to talk to your children giving them rationale for your rules and the consequences that may follow. Then when the infraction occurs it is up to you to follow through to the letter, heat those hams.
Alcohol and Drug abuse should these substances really be considered separate. Yes, because alcohol is legal to those above the age of 21 and that is the only reason. We all know horror stories of alcoholics living miserable lives unable to shed their dependency not unlike a heroin addict. Marijuana still can never be given a fair shot at becoming a legal substance due to some heavy lobbying in the early twentieth century ensuring that everyone came to know the evils of this drug. Sorry folks but the jury is out on this one because anyone who had ever utilized the substance knows that you become a timid, fearful, anxious, homebody that cannot drive to the store in fear that they most certainly be arrested. Unlike the boisterous drunk college man fighting, driving reckless, and displays no fear of authority. We need to think about the issues folks. Another educator made a lasting impression by alluding to the fact that legalizing and making available these drugs would increase revenue! Yes, folks that means more money for schools, roads, businesses, abortion clinics, and rehabilitation centers for substance abuse. Not money for Al-Qaida and other shady characters like cartels and extremist who by the way do not share our American Dream (yes it has been a long time since you heard those words).
Here is one of my personal favorite critical issues that make everyone feel uncomfortable homosexuality. I will try my best to remain unbiased, even though we have pro-homosexual themes forced down our throat through the media. If you think my biased is glaring through consider this little ditty. My family made the great journey to visit the great Mickey Mouse in Florida. If you have made this journey on a modest income you will appreciate my complaint. Upon entering the park I noticed something peculiar, there was a lot of same sex couples scattered throughout the park. A few hours into our first day at Disney World we learn that it was Gay Celebration Week. Now if there ever was a place one would feel safe from the perversions of our modern age it would be a family oriented theme park, but sorry Gay people have more money. This is a point we need to comprehend, if your group makes lots of money you will find your rights will increase dramatically. If you doubt this, test it will comparison rights for women and blacks in how many years it took to gain the acceptance of homosexuality. It is agreed that we all have desires and I do believe that people have truly uncontrollable sexual orientation. But the difficult part comes when I have to submit my children to witnessing two men kissing and giggling like school girls while glaring at me cynically.
Credibility of government is probably a null point, since anyone who is pro government will simply declare that my views are that of a radical conspirator. If you have doubts about the crookedness of our misleaders you are not alone, but the puzzling part comes into play when you realize that no one will voice their opinion. When this subject comes to mind I hear these words, “The road to hell was paved with good intentions.” If you have kept up with the news and have wondered if big business runs our congress then take note when they attempted to make the big oil companies justify their extreme profits amidst a national crisis. Of course it all was justified and the fan fair ended not even ruffling a single feather, wow. If it hasn’t become obvious yet it will if you only follow the paper trail. Every elected official can be traced in some way to large corporations, of course there are a few individuals wealthy enough to move voters or should I say delegates. I have a theory and would love someone to prove it false, everything that happens in politics happens for a reason with a calculated result in mind.
Finally religion, if there ever were a more delicate subject I don’t believe I am aware. Religion has been around as long as man has gazed upon the wonders of the natural world and attempted to understand this complex phenomenon. Innocent in its beginnings and quickly was perverted as the power of control grew. I too was a very spiritual man before science and reason obliterated my beliefs. Admittedly, they were weak at best because even at an early age the good old bible stories didn’t make sense. As my knowledge grew so did the complexity of my questions and the lack of sound answer and so down came my beliefs. I am not a cynic and can appreciate the beauty of religion with fellowship, self awareness, moral teachings, and the introspection of human nature. It is a bright beautiful illusion and I wish to rob no one of their oasis from the dark, dreary, and cruel world. But if you understand the nature of being on the outside looking in you are quickly disillusioned as the radicals crack their whips. If you have trouble seeing my point you only have to look to the past to see how many good people were tortured, raped, mangled, black balled, and put to death for their lack of conformity and in most cases paranoia and suspicions. They were not put to death by maniacs or evil people, but people who honestly believed that they were doing God’s bidding.

Bottom Line; We should take care of what we teach our children. Never to teach hate for any reason, enhancing critical thinking skills enable children to think for themselves. Unbiased knowledge resources and encouraging our children to challenge the spoken word will empower them to become healthy adults. I love my country because I able to speak my mind, why should I revoke that right from my child?

Live long and prosper,

John R. Hill