Saturday, November 22, 2008


Islamofascism Theonoma

Islamofacism has become the twenty first century’s Nazi movement. Good-natured people who wish to live in peace and allow others to express their beliefs sit by and allow these new bullies on the block take control. I include a term Islamofascism Theonoma as to mean a malignant cancer of theologies. I am very liberal, and occasionally been accused of being a tree-hugging pacifist, but only by those who do not really know me. I am one mad ass liberal when it comes to these radical fascist exploiting the good nature of their own as well as their enemies. I also realize that religion appeals to those who are poor and faith increases exponentially in times of struggle. Promises of paradise and never having to suffer again is a strong dream for someone who lives in a one room adobe with a dirt floor. I must again reiterate that I am by no means accusing religious people of being ignorant or evil. You have simply been infected with a clever disease (religion) that is resistant to any treatment and is easily passed from one generation to the next. Below I will express my opinion on how we got here and attempt to shed some light on a way out.
First, I want to make it clear that I love my country and the men and women who sacrificed so much in order for me to sit here today and write my mind. Looking back when we first discovered that sweet crude in the Middle East, we were dealing with people who had no real grasp of what it meant. Nomads became millionaire sheiks overnight, entrepreneurs in Europe and USA quickly developed this marvel in order to usher in the industrial age. Unfortunately, we were so busy with building the future we did not realize we were dumping tankers of money into the world of Islam.
We are great at marketing a product and knocking a competitor off their feet to beat them to the patent office, but when it comes to history and understanding other cultures we always seem to drop the ball. We wage wars, but play by the rules! If history teaches us anything this strategy will always fail. When you engage with an enemy, you must route them out and destroy any means of retaliation. In Vietnam, our brave soldiers were fighting with one hand behind their backs, which eventually lead to the communist killing a lot of innocent Vietnamese and Americans. The Afghans used the same tactics against the Russians and we are today facing the same in Iraq. The Carter administration did not fully understand why the Shah of Iran had to use an iron fist to keep the disrupters of progress and Western ideas at bay. Therefore, by not backing the Shah, we allowed Khomeini to reign in and start the Islamofascist movement. Khomeini promised to rid the world of the evil western puppet Shah of the Great Satan, but cleverly left out the part about totalitarian rule. This would include no human rights, no freedom of speech, and living in fear from paranoid mullahs. I fear that by being complacent and playing by the rules, we will fall to this incurable cancer Theonoma.
Solutions are not easy to find and political correctness prevents us from even considering what I about to propose. If we are to wage a war on terror then let us wage it in the manner in which our enemies are playing. Islamofascist are not nomads, but well educated in Theonoma, public speaking, the laws of our government, and are able to come to our country without fear of being killed. Not being a religious man, I still believe there is a war of good and evil at hand. Well, good being those who wish to live in peace and those who wish to control your every thought. These radicals have sold out on the idea of kill everyone, including him or herself and Islam win. In other words sacrificing their children, neighbors, and themselves is well worth the reward of bringing down the Great Satan! They are okay with laying waste to our world even if it takes obliterating every living organism that has been infected by western culture, leaving the residual life in the world to live like cave dwellers. Truly, in this primitive state, converts are easy to find. I say lets Glass over Iran! We can apologize to the world later. Waiting until Mahmoud Ahmadinejad points his shiny new missile at Israel or America will be too late.

Bottom Line;
We will never have peace as long as we encourage these different Theologies, hell bent on killing or converting the other side. A pluralist approach to religion (to each his or her own) only allows the bullies to take advantage of the good and peaceful, while the fence sitters find themselves serving as terrorist or dead. Solving the world’s poverty, replacing AK 47’s with tools and commissions, and encourage critical thinking skills instead of forcing our views down the world’s throat, is a great place to start for world peace. Diversity is important and tolerance of that diversity should always be a top priority. It is important for people to be accepted for their differences, but when the word hate, enters the equation it should not be tolerated and forced into submission. Now that we are infected with the Islamofascism Theonoma we must treat it aggressively with radiation! Let us glass over that dusty impoverished place, later telling the world we are sorry, or we shall look out of our humble abodes, with dirt floors to be subjected to a totalitarian rule and become good Muslims or dead free thinkers.

Long live America the beautiful!

John R Hill

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