Saturday, November 15, 2008


Sweet in the ears of mothers…

All young boys have an innate primeval urge to become a warrior, provider, and hero. Someone to be respected for his actions in the face of death, not blinking as the blade comes down upon him and able to save his family from certain doom. Reminded of this phenomenon of our aspiring god warriors, watching a CNN news story covering HAMMAS terrorist group training in Israel reinforced my belief. Watching the clumsy movements of the new recruits, with their faces hidden by black cloth, and baggy fatigues marching in a swaggering manner, while seasoned guards firing AK 47’s all around in order to desensitize their nervous systems. It is easy to see their ambitious demeanor as they bond, forging themselves into the ideal God Warriors!
A song from the group WAR, “WAR…what is it good for came to mind” but instead WAR, I replaced it with the word RELIGON! Now before you begin to rant on about another cold hearted, Satan loving idiot, think about what I am saying. All of us, no matter what country you are from have been indoctrinated since we were able to speak to sing the praises of a certain deity, usually the one of our ancestors (Grandma and Grandpa). I will be the first to admit that in this respect a connection to our ancestors is vital in order to understand where we come from. It is important to our sense of belonging and a way to identify ourselves, but let us not lose ourselves to vanity. I am guilty of the promise of having offspring that looks like me, thinks like me, and enjoys the things that I hold dear. This is where nature has a hidden hand tweaking our systems for the survival of the species, even if it means taking a radical turn. In short, improving on the chip off the old block mentality replacing it with parts that are more efficient, and thus producing a hybrid, in accordance to Darwinian rules!
Now, to return to my point the innate need to belong, believe, and act as our ancestors did. Warriors, great hunters, and heroes can only become legendary if they are viewed in a certain perspective, on the one hand they are seen positive and on the other seen as negative. Pushing this point forward, consider the HAMMAS God warriors with their suicide bombing mentality. Now one might be tempted to jump on the radical Islam band wagon, but don’t forget those European Crusaders radical Christians, toting blood soaked swords into the middle east, which by the way had a detrimental effect on Mohammed as he composed the Koran. This is a good example of the perspective I mentioned before. European Crusaders did whole heartily believe they were doing gods work by reclaiming the holy land and were supported at home by generous donations to continue the good work. Just as the Crusaders centuries earlier, now groups such as HAMMAS are supported in very much the same way, only their goal is to drive the infidels from their land. Who is right is all in perspective.
This leads me to my point if you were to tell your son to go to war with the infidels for gold, do you think he would go with an extreme resolve. In my mind all conflicts are centered around gold no matter what the propaganda claims. For it is very safe to say that war is an expensive endeavor, a bottomless money pit. No one would partake in such a sacrifice over something as material as gold, but in the name of religion it suddenly becomes more palatable. Humans must surely be vain creatures, blinding themselves to the reality of killing their children over a branch of the same religion in this case! If you step outside the argument and say why would a pagan worshiper of Molech want to slay another pagan worshiper of Zeus? I would imagine your response would be that is silly those religions are outdated and false. My reply to this is when does a religion really become outdated? In returning to our perspective, it should become clear that being on one side you naturally become incurably biased and blinded by the fear of blaspheme into giving into the idea that blood must be shed in the name of God.
Now I imagine most religious people will be in a fevered pitch as they denounce such blaspheme and it only goes to show my point. We are indoctrinated, some even brain washed into repulsing any idea that has not been fed to you from a close family member or pastor. Before we dismiss this idea, reflect on your own knowledge of religion and see how many sound objective sources you credit for acquiring that knowledge. This is not to say that pastors and family members are ignorant or purposely misleading you, as they themselves have been heavily persuaded early in life and are passing on what they strongly feel is their obligation. In all fairness both Islam and Christianity, preach values of peace and forgiveness bringing a close supportive sense of community, in some cases. But I am afraid that these good examples are rapidly giving way to the negative side of religion as the focus shifts from forgiving and community to destroy thy enemy.

Bottom line;
Good intentions pave the way to ruin. Viewing a clip of a family of a suicide bomber declaring his oath to Allah while his mother grieves, along with close family members I asked myself how this could be happening I searched for an answer. Who can break this cycle of endless and senseless martyrdom? How when the people around you are so convinced that God decrees only destruction of the infidels will bring peace. My answer is the sweet promises of paradise for eternity for her and her children. All mothers want what is good and pure for their children. Unfortunately, they are being mislead by radical, self serving men exploiting their religion to attain power.

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