Thursday, November 13, 2008

No my child there is no Santa Clause....

“No my child there is no Santa Clause”,…the father lamented piercing the delicate bubble he guarded so diligently for all those many years.

This is a situation most fathers’ have or will experience with their children. It is with no pleasure to see a child’s imagination demolished in a single unrelenting debunking of Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, and Bogey Man. However, society demands that we tear down childhood dreams and replace them with the reality of death and taxes. How cruel life can be for those who depend on such a fantasy world existence to make it through their dreary days. No magical mystery tour, elves, fairies, or trolls lying in wait under bridges to demand toll in order to pass as we mature we must come to face the facts. Nevertheless, what age is appropriate to illuminate these wonderfully expanding minds, 11, 12, or 14? I know there has to be some empirical evidence to suggest a proper age and manner in which we strip a child of his pseudo- reality and introduce the one we hold to the mark. A voice deep inside me cries out, “Ah come on we have to grow up sometime, everyone knows that no one can fly the entire globe in 24hrs delivering a variety of specially made toys to children of middle to high class society”. So there we have it my subject of debate, why do we continue to lie to our children only to admit to deceiving them at a later date.
My question is not as simple as it may seem on the surface. True we are deceiving our children but it is to maintain a special environment in which they will grow and be nourished in the understandings of life lessons such as giving. Who would want to see a broken hearted child trembling beside a poorly lit tree with only a bag of fruit to give him/her joy? A bigger question may arise; if we lie to them today will they trust us tomorrow? Children need our love but they also need honesty, and yes in my opinion, a little white lie can be just as harmful as an out and out blasphemous rhetorical one. So what are we to do, punish our children while the mothers and fathers of other children celebrate! Now I believe my question becomes a complicated one. Any time you go from personal choice to social choices and preferences your black and white becomes massive shades of gray. “How dare you, how arrogant can you be as to think that what you decide is good for my children!” I think most would agree that this is exactly the response one would get from making such a proposal, like being honest with your children.
Are you still with me, most Americans would have sensed a dark force beginning to pull them into a state of irrationalism and loss of credibility. We are not good at taking advice from anyone unless they promise wealth, health, weight loss, hair growth, and how to get a stain out of our new carpet. Depressing is it not when you think of how we continue to assume that we are the superior nation and our ways are the best things since sliced bread. Even though it is true that we are innovative capitalist (not always a respectable image) living in a country full of self-righteous people fulfilling their life long ambitions through their own children. And with that in mind are we some how lying to ourselves in some deep mysterious way seeking to recapture some of our lost childhood moments seeking to replace them with brighter, and grander schemes.
Now that I have your attention, what should we consider about other critical issues such as abortion, capital punishment, corporal punishment, alcohol and drug abuse, homosexuality, credibility of government, and finally religion? Again the same voices chime in a discontinuous chorus of threatening resolves, “How dare you arrogant man, how dare your even consider such nonsense!” As you can see there are no easy answers to the multitude of questions that will continued to spin off each other into the infinite number of possible scenarios, as blacks and whites diversify into endless shades of gray. On second thought maybe we can be honest with our children and still encase them in a semi perfect environment in which they can grow and build trust with no let downs during confessions explaining why Bobby down the street didn’t receive any presents this year because his parents were Jehovah’s Witness. (bibbidy, bobbidy, boo! )
Abortion continues to bring out the most radical idiots of our time. Can anyone look at an issue objectively anymore? Crime of passion does not come to mind when someone is decapitated by a crappy explosive set up outside a clinic that so happens does the community a great service. My point being with all the hate crimes we see on the news, babies found in dumpsters, children born addicted to crack cocaine, rape victims pregnancy, and child abuse who are we really serving here, ourselves? A high school History teacher stated a profound statement that has stuck with me through many years and I can still hear his voice today, “There is nothing good about bringing an unwanted child into this world.” Do not allow a kneejerk reflex have you lose the emphatic point he is alluding to. Unwanted can mean many things to many people, but to a child there can be no refuse from rejection. The voices return, “You ignorant ranting lunatic how do you sleep at night.”
Capital punishment is a no brainer to me, but then again I have never been on death row either. Here I feel torn on giving the State or Federal Government the power to put me to death if I am found guilty of a heinous crime, or do they already have that power? No one can clearly appreciate this issue unless they were directly involved with a heinous crime affecting a loved one. And clearly there is a difference between a semi-tractor trailer running over a child in an intersection and a drive by shooting where clearly the punishment seems appropriate for the later only. Another driving point is that we find out that “Joe” has been incarcerated for twenty years and by DNA testing is acquitted. “Yeah, wise ass how about that one!” Definitely anyone born with enough logic to notice the difference between a Summer and Winter can safely reason out that statistically the error of putting to death less than a percent of these miracle cases could not out weigh the overwhelmingly guilty whom have taken innocent lives leaving broken hearts and homes in their wake. Tax dollars that we spend bathing, clothing, educating, counseling, heating and cooling, feeding, provide health care including dental, access to the internet, legal advice, conjugal visits, seeing loved ones, and influence others on perfecting their crimes in order not to get caught, are being wasted. When we could have spent the billions of tax dollars on education, health care for law-abiding citizens, improving impoverished areas giving them an environment in which they have a fighting chance at making something out of themselves, I guess that is exactly what we do not want.
Another critical issue that is a favorite of mine, and is one that is close to my heart because it has directly affected my own child development, Corporal Punishment. Here the voices of ignorance rein supreme, “Nobodies going to lay a hand on my child, not even me.” Sing it from the rooftops friends because in the end what that cute little child has coming to them is nothing in comparison to a paddling. How about 30 years to life in a high security prison because mummy taught me that there are no physical punishments only verbal punishments. And yes ladies and gentlemen if you are wondering spare the rod will ruin the child and that child will become a rotten adult. No one wants to intimidate children, even if it is for their own good. An effective corporal punishment is more about losing face in front of your peers not counting blisters. Yes, I could see the gleam and confusion in my child’s eyes as he wrestled with the concept of “they can not eat me at school, but when I get home I am going to get it”. Whatever action you plan to take consider this advice, never confuse your children with rules and the punishments that accompany them. Big example, when I was growing up it was considered rude to talk to loud at the table, but when I joined other friends homes it was not enforced. What was allowed at my friends house would surely get a dismissal from dinner at least. Bottom line or take home message is to talk to your children giving them rationale for your rules and the consequences that may follow. Then when the infraction occurs it is up to you to follow through to the letter, heat those hams.
Alcohol and Drug abuse should these substances really be considered separate. Yes, because alcohol is legal to those above the age of 21 and that is the only reason. We all know horror stories of alcoholics living miserable lives unable to shed their dependency not unlike a heroin addict. Marijuana still can never be given a fair shot at becoming a legal substance due to some heavy lobbying in the early twentieth century ensuring that everyone came to know the evils of this drug. Sorry folks but the jury is out on this one because anyone who had ever utilized the substance knows that you become a timid, fearful, anxious, homebody that cannot drive to the store in fear that they most certainly be arrested. Unlike the boisterous drunk college man fighting, driving reckless, and displays no fear of authority. We need to think about the issues folks. Another educator made a lasting impression by alluding to the fact that legalizing and making available these drugs would increase revenue! Yes, folks that means more money for schools, roads, businesses, abortion clinics, and rehabilitation centers for substance abuse. Not money for Al-Qaida and other shady characters like cartels and extremist who by the way do not share our American Dream (yes it has been a long time since you heard those words).
Here is one of my personal favorite critical issues that make everyone feel uncomfortable homosexuality. I will try my best to remain unbiased, even though we have pro-homosexual themes forced down our throat through the media. If you think my biased is glaring through consider this little ditty. My family made the great journey to visit the great Mickey Mouse in Florida. If you have made this journey on a modest income you will appreciate my complaint. Upon entering the park I noticed something peculiar, there was a lot of same sex couples scattered throughout the park. A few hours into our first day at Disney World we learn that it was Gay Celebration Week. Now if there ever was a place one would feel safe from the perversions of our modern age it would be a family oriented theme park, but sorry Gay people have more money. This is a point we need to comprehend, if your group makes lots of money you will find your rights will increase dramatically. If you doubt this, test it will comparison rights for women and blacks in how many years it took to gain the acceptance of homosexuality. It is agreed that we all have desires and I do believe that people have truly uncontrollable sexual orientation. But the difficult part comes when I have to submit my children to witnessing two men kissing and giggling like school girls while glaring at me cynically.
Credibility of government is probably a null point, since anyone who is pro government will simply declare that my views are that of a radical conspirator. If you have doubts about the crookedness of our misleaders you are not alone, but the puzzling part comes into play when you realize that no one will voice their opinion. When this subject comes to mind I hear these words, “The road to hell was paved with good intentions.” If you have kept up with the news and have wondered if big business runs our congress then take note when they attempted to make the big oil companies justify their extreme profits amidst a national crisis. Of course it all was justified and the fan fair ended not even ruffling a single feather, wow. If it hasn’t become obvious yet it will if you only follow the paper trail. Every elected official can be traced in some way to large corporations, of course there are a few individuals wealthy enough to move voters or should I say delegates. I have a theory and would love someone to prove it false, everything that happens in politics happens for a reason with a calculated result in mind.
Finally religion, if there ever were a more delicate subject I don’t believe I am aware. Religion has been around as long as man has gazed upon the wonders of the natural world and attempted to understand this complex phenomenon. Innocent in its beginnings and quickly was perverted as the power of control grew. I too was a very spiritual man before science and reason obliterated my beliefs. Admittedly, they were weak at best because even at an early age the good old bible stories didn’t make sense. As my knowledge grew so did the complexity of my questions and the lack of sound answer and so down came my beliefs. I am not a cynic and can appreciate the beauty of religion with fellowship, self awareness, moral teachings, and the introspection of human nature. It is a bright beautiful illusion and I wish to rob no one of their oasis from the dark, dreary, and cruel world. But if you understand the nature of being on the outside looking in you are quickly disillusioned as the radicals crack their whips. If you have trouble seeing my point you only have to look to the past to see how many good people were tortured, raped, mangled, black balled, and put to death for their lack of conformity and in most cases paranoia and suspicions. They were not put to death by maniacs or evil people, but people who honestly believed that they were doing God’s bidding.

Bottom Line; We should take care of what we teach our children. Never to teach hate for any reason, enhancing critical thinking skills enable children to think for themselves. Unbiased knowledge resources and encouraging our children to challenge the spoken word will empower them to become healthy adults. I love my country because I able to speak my mind, why should I revoke that right from my child?

Live long and prosper,

John R. Hill

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